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2005 Yonge St
Toronto, ON


Canada's first spy shop.  Spy gadgets including electronic security, counter surveillance, video cameras and GPS tracking devices.  Online shopping available for Canada.


Welcome to Canada's first spy shop.

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Hot Products Gallery

Telephone Voice Recorder

Ideal for dictation, lectures, meeting, digital music playback and recording landline phone calls.

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New! 5G Mini GPS Tracker

Small size GPS Tracker with a magnetic bracket.

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Dashcam Garmin GPS

1080p Dashcam features forward collision warning, lane departure and "Go" alerts.

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Online Shop

Newest Products:

Dashcam Garmin GPS
Mini HD Camera MUVI
Trackimo 3G GPS Mini Tracker
Multifunction Bug Detector

Covid19 Pandemic Note

Store Locations: All Closed

Online Store: Always Open

We are respecting the ongoing closure of all businesses in Ontario at the moment. Since our products may be considered essential by some people, we are continuing to operate our online store, as it does not require any personal interactions.

If you would like to purchase any products online we will still send them as immediately as possible, but please keep in mind that shipping and courier services may be slower than usual during this time. If you would like to contact us, please use email for the fastest response. We won’t have any staff monitoring our phones for this period. Stay safe!



The Truth About Detecting GPS Vehicle Trackers


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